
Diversify your funds

Stop manually opening bank accounts one by one. Access over 100+ accounts across 25 banking partners* through a single portal. Easily diversify your business’s cash and get peace of mind with Round Vault.

Maximise FSCS protection*

Earn up to 4.6% yield**

Single sign-up process

Diversifying your business’s cash is time consuming.

As a founder, building your business takes priority. Traditional banking products take time away from founders on actually building their businesses. Bad UX, high minimums and manual processes are preventing founders from the potential of earning tens or hundreds of thousands of returns on their idle GBP, EUR and USD.

Opening individual accounts takes a lot of time and effort

It’s hard to find the best rates, banks don’t volunteer information

Dealing with legacy financial institutions is cumbersome

Maximise FSCS compensation eligibility*

Diversify your money and manage bank risk effortlessly. Maximise FSCS eligibility for your cash

Earn up to 4.6% interest on your cash**

Vault has access to over 100+ accounts across 25 banking partners*. Whether you prefer easy access or fixed-term accounts, we ensure you have access to a wide range of savings options.

Single sign-up process

Complete a single application to open your account and access to hundreds of market-leading rates from a panel of 25 banks and building societies.* No need to spend hours scouring the internet for the best rates, or opening accounts. Effortlessly manage it all from a single portal.

Introducing the financial OS for your business

Screenshot of the round platform

Have some questions?

Can I open an account for a holding company?

You can open a Vault account for a holding company as well as trading companies.

Can I open multiple corporate Vault accounts?

You can open multiple Vault accounts for your different businesses, however, you will need to have separate email addresses for each account.

Do we need to change our existing banking provider?

No, you do not need to change your current daily banking relationships, unless you have accounts with a provider not on appearing on the Bank of England’s list of authorised banks. You can deposit and place surplus cash on our platform while keeping day-to-day transactions with your existing banking provider.

Do you conduct anti-money laundering checks?

Insignis Cash conducts anti-money laundering checks on all clients as required by the law and regulations that apply.

Do you offer accounts in other currencies?

We also offer US dollar and Euro accounts through Interactive Brokers.

How does FSCS work?

FSCS is the body that gives you protection up to £85,000 if your bank, building society or credit union goes out of business; and you’ll normally get your money back within seven days. All UK-based banks on the panel with our partner Insignis Cash are members of the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).You can find out more about FSCS here.

How does Round make money?

We operate on a revenue-share basis with Insignis Cash. Round receives a % of the fees Insignis Cash generates.

How does Vault work?

By spreading your savings across multiple banks, you can optimise your FSCS eligibility. For every additional eligible bank you deposit with, you could get an additional £85,000 protection on your cash. This is powered through our partner, Insignis Cash.The USP of Vault is that you KYB once and can then spread your cash across a network of partner banks to optimise your FSCS coverage eligibility (while earning a competitive yield).

How is your fee deducted?

Once you deposit funds into your Hub account, Insignis Cash sets aside the annual account service fee and draws down monthly payments in arrears from this fee reserve account. We charge a minimum of one-quarter of the fees, after which fees are charged pro rata. While the funds are in the fee reserve, they remain in the client’s name. There are no other fees for the service.

How long does it take for funds to appear in the Hub account?

Funds can take up to one business day to appear in the Hub account, provided they come from your linked bank account with the correct reference. You receive an email notification from Insignis Cash once the funds are available to be placed.

How secure is my data?

Client data, including personal and organisational information is encrypted using proprietary encryption methods. All Personal data is encrypted when data is at rest and access is only permitted to authorised personnel.

Access to the Insignis Cash Management Platform is secured using Strong Customer Authentication (SCA username, password, and PIN code sent to registered mobile).

What documents are required to open an account?

For legal entities or arrangements, we need identification and verification of beneficial owners, controlling parties, and business activities. Evidence of the source of funds and assessment of source of wealth are also necessary. Additional information or documentationmay be required to meet regulatory requirements.

What fees do you charge?

Our only charge is the annual account service fee, which is based on the total deposit and begins at 0.25%, which is due monthly in arrears. There are no other fees for the service.

What happens to my deposits if Round or Insignis Cash ceases to trade?

Your funds are securely held by the relevant financial institutions, not by Round or Insignis Cash. Funds would be retained by the banks and building societies until maturity (if applicable), when the funds will be returned to the linked account.

What is the onboarding process for Vault?

1. Apply – Complete your single sign-up process to open your account with our partnerInsignis Cash.

2. Place – Choose from hundreds of savings products to meet your savings and liquidity needs.

3. Earn – Easily move your cash deposits between banks, optimise FSCS protection, and watch your funds grow.

4. Enjoy – Withdraw money from your Hub account at any time.

What reporting do you offer?

You can generate three reports at any time:

  • Portfolio Summary: an overview of all the funds currently on our platform.
  • Transaction History: lists all movements on the account, for any period, including details of charges made.
  • Interest Received: summarises all the interest received across all the products in the Portfolio.

Who is the beneficial owner of the funds while they are placed with the banks/building societies?

You always stay the beneficial owner of your funds throughout the process. The funds never become assets of Round or Insignis Cash.

Who can open an account?

To open an account for your business, all the beneficiaries (>25% beneficial ownership) must be:

  • Over 18 years old (unless in the case of a trust)
  • UK citizens
  • Permanent UK residents (residency permit will be required where the client is not a UK citizen)
  • UK incorporated legal entities or arrangements
  • UK tax-payers

What is the minimum deposit?

The minimum deposit is £50,000.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Feel free to get in touch with us.

See how you can empower your startup cash with Round Treasury

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