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Savings Accounts

Your cash, protected across multiple banks

Stop manually opening bank accounts one by one. Access over 100+ accounts across 25 banking partners* through a single portal. Easily diversify your business’s cash and get peace of mind with Round Vault.

Diversifying your business’s cash is time consuming.

As a founder, building your business takes priority. Traditional banking products take time away from founders on actually building their businesses. Bad UX, high minimums and manual processes are preventing founders from the potential of earning higher returns on their idle GBP, EUR and USD.

Opening individual accounts takes a lot of time and effort

It’s hard to find the best rates, banks don’t volunteer information

Dealing with legacy financial institutions is cumbersome

Maximise FSCS compensation eligibility*

Diversify your money and manage bank risk effortlessly. Maximise FSCS eligibility for your cash

Earn up to 4.6% interest on your cash**

Vault has access to over 100+ accounts across 25 banking partners*. Whether you prefer easy access or fixed-term accounts, we ensure you have access to a wide range of savings options.

Single sign-up process

Complete a single application to open your account and access to hundreds of market-leading rates from a panel of 25 banks and building societies.* No need to spend hours scouring the internet for the best rates, or opening accounts. Effortlessly manage it all from a single portal.

Introducing the financial OS for your business

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