About Us

Round is built for startups

Make data-informed decisions about where to park your cash, when to withdraw, and how to increase your yield and liquidity.

We’re changing how you manage your money

Startups often face challenges with traditional financial institutions, which is why we created Round—a platform designed by founders, for founders.

At Round, we understand that cash management isn’t the primary focus of your business. That’s why we’ve consolidated all the tools you need to manage your cash efficiently into a single, easy-to-use platform.

Simplifying your financial ops, so you can focus on what matters most: growing your business.

Supporting the portfolios of top investors

Image of the round team collaboratingImage of the round team socialising

Experience that matters

Explore the companies that have shaped our team’s experience

Photos of companies where the team have experience: Novo, Amazon, Checkout.com, Moneybox, Monzo, Shares. Oaknorth, FIS, Republic
Round team photos

Want to join the Round team?

We’re always looking for the best talent to join the team

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See how you can empower your startup cash with Round Treasury

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