How to adopt an effective cash management strategy for your startup

Pac O'Shea

August 14, 2024

Managing cash effectively is vital for any startup, ensuring sustainability and growth. Here’s an expanded guide tailored for UK startups.

Cash is the lifeblood of your business, making proactive cash management critical. A sound strategy helps protect and grow your capital, especially during economic uncertainties.

Let's look at some key considerations for cash management:

1. Liquidity

Ensuring you can access funds quickly to meet short-term obligations is essential for smooth operations and handling unexpected expenses.

  • Use tools like Round Treasury for efficient liquidity management.
  • These platforms offer easy access to funds and helpful financial insights.
  • Regularly forecast your financials to determine necessary capital over time and avoid cash shortfalls.

2. Risk

Balancing the need to fund operations with earning returns on excess cash while minimising risks ensures financial stability.

  • Utilise insured accounts and diversify your funds to mitigate risks.
  • Consider tools like Round Vault, which allows you to spread deposits across multiple accounts to maximise FSCS protection, ensuring your cash is safe even if a bank fails.

3. Yield

Maximising returns on idle cash without taking on excessive risk helps increase your capital reserves.

  • Invest in short-term, low-risk securities or money market funds to earn interest on surplus cash.
  • Platforms like Round are tailored to startups, balancing growth with risk management.

4. Cash Management Strategies

Here are some cash management strategies you can take —

Maintain Accessible Operating Funds

Calculate and set aside six months of operating expenses in easily accessible accounts. This ensures you can cover all necessary costs even during lean periods.

Tools: Budgeting tools like FreeAgent help you track expenses, forecast future financial needs, and maintain a clear view of your cash flow.

Utilise Multiple Accounts

Open separate accounts for different purposes (e.g., operational costs, payroll, taxes) to streamline cash management and avoid mingling funds.

Tools: Banks like Revolut or Airwallex offer the ability to create sub-accounts, making it easier to manage and allocate funds for various business needs.

Automate Treasury Management

Use automated treasury solutions to manage investments and optimise cash flow without manual intervention.

Tools: Platforms like Round Treasury provide comprehensive treasury management services, helping you maximise returns on idle cash while maintaining liquidity.

Avoid High-Risk Investments

Stick to safer investment vehicles and avoid high-risk options like cryptocurrencies. This conserves your capital and protects against significant losses.

Invest in stable, low-risk funds that offer modest returns without exposing your startup to unnecessary risks.

5. Practical Tips for UK Startups

Choose Scalable Financial Tools

  • Automation: Select tools that automate repetitive tasks and integrate seamlessly with your accounting software. Tools like Xero and QuickBooks UK are excellent for financial tracking and scalability.
  • Scalability: Ensure the tools you choose can grow with your business, preventing the need for frequent changes

Establish Strong Financial Controls

  • Controls: Develop robust policies for managing expenses and investments, ensuring transparency and accountability across your organisation.
  • Policies: Set clear guidelines for expense approvals, spending limits, and financial reporting to maintain control over your finances.

Educate Your Team

  • Education: Train your employees on financial protocols to enhance financial hygiene and prevent errors. This ensures everyone understands their roles in the financial processes.
  • Responsibility: Make sure your team is aware of their responsibilities in expense reporting and budget management.

Maintain Accurate Records

  • Organisation: Keep detailed and organised financial records using digital tools like Dext for expense management and document storage.
  • Consistency: Regularly update and review records to ensure accuracy and completeness, making audits and financial reviews more manageable.

Setting a Strong Financial Foundation

  • Start with clear, scalable financial processes to prevent future complications. Treat financial setup like technical debt; doing it right initially prevents future issues.
  • Foundation: Create a strong financial foundation by implementing robust processes and tools early on. This proactive approach ensures smoother scaling and fewer issues down the line.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and refine your financial workflows to adapt to changing business needs and market conditions.

By focusing on essential financial operations, strategically outsourcing, and implementing efficient workflows, UK startup founders can ensure a resilient and scalable financial foundation for their businesses.


This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial guidance.

See how you can empower your startup cash with Round Treasury

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