
Cross account visibility and management

Aggregate and manage all your bank accounts in one place. Get an instant picture of your treasury and effortlessly move money.

Connect 2000+ bank accounts

Move money like magic

One search, multiple accounts

As your startup has grown, staying on top of your cash has become harder

As a founder, building your business takes priority. Traditional banking products take time away from founders on actually building their businesses. Bad UX, high minimums and manual processes are preventing founders from the potential of earning tens or hundreds of thousands of returns on their idle GBP, EUR and USD.

Your cash is spread across different bank accounts.

Logging into banks to make payments is cumbersome.

There’s no easy way to know if a certain payment has already been made.

Connect all your bank accounts in one single real-time view

Achieve absolute clarity. Consolidate all your business bank accounts into a single, reliable source of truth. Then link Round to a Google Spreadsheet to get all your connected bank balance pushed directly into your cash flow forecast in real-time.

Move money like magic

Do away with logins. Effortlessly move money between all your accounts from a single centralised portal without having to log into the underlying bank accounts.

Search for transactions across all your accounts simultaneously

With our smart search, you can find any transaction in a single click across all your bank accounts. Quickly understand whether a payment has been made already or not.

Introducing the financial OS for your business

Screenshot of the round platform

Have some questions?

What reporting do you offer?

You can generate three reports at any time:

  • Portfolio Summary: an overview of all the funds currently on our platform.
  • Transaction History: lists all movements on the account, for any period, including details of charges made.
  • Interest Received: summarises all the interest received across all the products in the Portfolio.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Feel free to get in touch with us.

See how you can empower your startup cash with Round Treasury

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